Confront sacrifice
with hope against suicide


of donated funds go directly to
families in immediate need.
(10% administration)

folds of the flame logo

The Folds of the Flame

The Folds of the Flame is a dual-focused initiative within the first responder community, founded with a distinct mission: to heighten awareness and prevent first responder suicides. We recognize the distinctive challenges faced by the heroes protecting our communities. Thus, our foremost objective is to foster mental well-being, underpinned by principles of unity, support, and empathy. Unfortunately, suicides do occur, leaving families to wrestle with the aftermath. Therefore, alongside our efforts to promote mental wellness, The Folds of the Flame is committed to delivering immediate “Post-vention” support to assist families during this profoundly tragic and life-altering time in their lives







Acting on a Need

Retired Air Force Fire Chief, MSgt Ashontay Owens devoted his career to safeguarding both his local and military communities, willingly risking his life each day. Serving as Incident Commander for numerous emergencies, Chief Owens lived by the motto “Everyone Comes Home Safe,” whether on duty or off. Throughout his 20+ years in the Air Force, he witnessed the tragic aftermath of suicides among military personnel and first responders, recognizing the urgent need for heightened awareness, training, and early intervention. Committed to prevention, Chief Owens pursued a double master’s degree in human services and clinical counseling, fueled by the belief that not all wounds are visible and that suicide can be averted through proactive measures.

We are prepared and poised for action when the bell rings

The Folds of the Flame” evokes a strong image of unity, strength, and camaraderie within the first responder community, and we believe that mental health is as important as physical health. Our team is composed of passionate individuals, including firefighters, mental health professionals, and advocates, who are committed to creating a culture of resilience and empowerment within the first responder community. 
Through education, advocacy, and peer support, we strive to eliminate the stigma surrounding mental health issues and provide our heroes with the resources they need to prioritize their well-being. We offer a safe space for open dialogue, where our heroes can share their experiences, seek guidance, and access the support they deserve.
Together, we are united in our mission to ensure that every first responder knows they are valued, supported, and never alone. Join us in our journey to fold our strengths and experiences into a powerful shield against the darkness, illuminating the path towards mental wellness and resilience for all those who bravely serve in the line of duty.”

"The energy of the mind is the essence of life."


When the Bell Tolls This is How We Respond

The Folds of the Flame Foundation offers financial assistance to cover immediate needs such as housing bills, grocery vouchers, schooling costs, and funeral arrangements for families affected by the loss of a first responder. This support is crucial in alleviating the financial burden placed on families during times of crisis.
Providing funds for housing bills ensures that families can maintain stability in their living situations, preventing additional stress during an already challenging time. Grocery vouchers help ensure that basic needs are met, easing the strain of daily expenses. Covering schooling costs ensures that children can continue their education uninterrupted, despite the family’s hardship.
Additionally, offering assistance with funeral arrangements helps alleviate the financial strain of laying a loved one to rest, allowing families to focus on grieving and healing rather than worrying about expenses.
The importance of this foundation cannot be overstated. By providing financial support for immediate needs, the Folds of the Flame Foundation offers comfort and relief to families during their darkest moments. It honors the sacrifices made by first responders and ensures that their families are cared for and supported in times of crisis.

The Survival Bell

Within the “Folds of the Flame,” we bear witness to the profound toll of bravery, honor, and sacrifice. The resonating chime of the “survival bell” reverberates with hope, embodying the belief that “the energy of the mind is the essence of life.” This emblem symbolizes our mission: to champion the mental well-being of first responders by fostering a culture of support, resilience, and empathy.


The 13 Stars adorning the “Yoke” of the bell pay homage to the “Commander-in-Chief standard,” emblematic of General George Washington’s presence on the battlefield during the Revolutionary War, symbolizing “A New Constellation.
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In the heart of the “Waist,” a black star honors our fallen heroes, intertwined in gold to honor our “Gold Star Families.”

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Encircling the entirety of the survival bell is a lime green ribbon, the international symbol of mental health awareness.


The “Waist” of the bell bears a crack, representing the ongoing struggle with mental health, while the stitches within the crack signify hope and healing amid this challenge.
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The American flag portion on the bell signifies the freedom, bravery, and courage of all our military and first responders, and the sacrifices they make for our country.


Adorning the “Sound Bow” is a Greek inscription featuring Aristotle’s motto “The energy of the mind is the essence of life,” interwoven with the colors of the American Flag.

Folds of the Flame has evolved from our initial “ideation” into a lifeline. This survival bell serves as a poignant reminder of those who bravely risk their lives daily to safeguard our communities and nation. It inspires us to support and educate their loved ones in need. We extend our deepest appreciation to all who heed the call.

TAX ID: 92-3644458. The Folds of the Flame Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

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